Dementia Specific Training

Dementia Specific Training for Clinicians and Managers

Our new free eLearning course for Clinicians and Managers makes initiating end-of-life conversations and assessing palliative needs of people living with dementia easier, to enable better care.

What are the aims of the training?

The Advance Project dementia training aims to enable better healthcare outcomes for people living with dementia, and to build capacity in aged and primary care to:

  • Initiate conversations about advance care planning with people living with different stages of dementia.
  • Empower and prepare families to advocate for the person’s end of life care wishes in the future.
  • Identify people with dementia who would benefit from a structured assessment of their palliative care needs.
  • Systematically assess the palliative care needs of the person living with dementia.
  • Identify those people with dementia who would most benefit from referral to specialist palliative care services.

What are the learning outcomes from the Clinicians/Managers course?

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Describe the importance of advance care planning for people living with different stages of dementia.
  • Describe the importance of early identification and assessment of palliative care needs of people living with dementia.
  • Use The Advance Project Guide (Dementia) and evidence-based tools to initiate advance care planning and assess the palliative care needs of people living with different stages of dementia.
  • Support careworkers and families to record and communicate the distress they observe in a person with advanced dementia.

How long will the Clinicians/Managers course take and what will I receive?

  • There are 9 modules in this course. This course is expected to take approximately 4 hours.
  • You do not have to complete the entire course in one sitting. You can stop and continue from where you left when it suits you.
  • After completion of this course you will receive a certificate of completion for 4 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours.

How does the training make it easier to have courageous conversations with people living with dementia?

  • This free, self-paced eLearning course is specifically designed for clinicians and managers in aged and primary care, to build confidence, capacity, and skills.
  • Training is conveniently accessible online and walks you step-by-step through approaches and tips for having end-of-life conversations and assessing palliative care needs.
  • All the training courses feature interactive case-studies and engaging videos based on real-life scenarios.
  • Our free, practical suite of evidence-based dementia specific resources can be downloaded from our website.
  • The Advance Project Team are here for you if you have questions about this training or want to share any feedback to improve them.

“I have learned how to introduce and discuss ACP with my clients and their family with less hesitation, knowing that I can readily access the tools provided in this course.”

- Registered Nurse, Community Aged Care

Dementia eLearning for clinicians and managers

eLearning course for

Page last updated 8 August 2022