After completing the eLearning course general practice nurses will be able to:
- Describe the benefits and role of general practice in advance care planning and early identification and assessment of patients’ palliative and supportive care needs.
- Use the ‘Advance Project® Guide’ and evidence-based tools to initiate advance care planning and assess patients and carers' palliative and supportive care needs.
- Identify and screen patients and carers who may benefit from advance care planning and/or a palliative and supportive care needs assessment.
- Communicate and liaise with GPs about patients’ and carers’ concerns, symptoms, questions, and priorities identified through a structured advance care planning and/or supportive care needs assessment.
- Identify patients who could benefit from referral to specialist palliative care and explain the benefits of this referral to them.
- List strategies to implement the Advance Project® resources in their general practice.
Your participation in an optional evaluation survey at the conclusion of the online training program will help us to improve and refine the program for the future.
"I found the videos demonstrating how to initiate conversations with patients very useful. They instilled confidence to discuss this with the patient and GP."
- General Practice Nurse training participant

The online training activity for General Practice Nurses has been endorsed by the Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA) according to approved quality standards criteria.
This learning activity will take approximately two hours to complete, or up to three hours if you provide extensive responses to the reflective components and review all of the optional links and resources. A certificate of completion for up to 3 CPD hours can be downloaded when you complete the entire learning activity.
You do not have to complete the entire learning activity in one sitting. You can leave the course at any time and recommence where you left the next time you log in.