To start, just register here for the project, which will enable you to see a range of Advance Project resources, and will show you how to sign up for the tailored eLearning modules. You can leave the online training activity at any time and return to where you left off next time.
1. Training designed for nurses
The free online training for general practice nurses has been endorsed by the Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA) according to approved quality standards criteria, providing up to 3 CPD hours and covering concepts such as:
- Learning to initiate palliative care and advance care planning in general practice in a routine and sensitive way

- Learning how nurse facilitated screening of patients and their carers will support general practices to more efficiently address patients’ and carers’ needs
- Developing skills to use the Advance Project screening and assessment tools.
“I’ve just done the training - it’s user-friendly, comprehensive, and very compassionate. In my opinion it’s really filling a gap.” Advance Project participant 2017
2. Training designed for GPs
The free online training activity for general practitioners covers concepts such as:
- Learning about the role of the GP and general practice in advance care planning and palliative care
- Learning how evidence-based tools can be used to initiate advance care planning discussions and assess palliative and supportive care needs using the Advance Project Guide and assessment tools
- Learning how specialist palliative care services can support general practice in this role, if required

The training for General Practitioners has been approved as a CPD activity by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM).
3. Training designed for practice managers
The free online training for GP practice managers covers concepts such as:
- Learning about the benefits and role of general practice in advance care planning and early identification and assessment of patients’ palliative and supportive care needs
- Learning about the resources available through the Advance Project to assist general practices implement a systematic approach to initiating advance care planning and assessment of palliative and supportive care needs
- Learning how practice managers can support GPs and general practice nurses to start implementing the Advance Project resources into everyday c
linical practice
The training for general practice managers has been endorsed by the Australian Association of Practice Management.
Like to know more?
Register here for free access to our training and resources.